About Before & After
We’ve helped over 250,000 business people on four continents improve their creative thinking abilities and find millions of fresh business-building ideas.
All of our services have been developed by B&A founder, Tom Monahan, a leader in the field of of applied creativity in business. Previously Tom founded ad agency Leonard/Monahan, an incubator for some of today’s top advertising people.
We have a team of licensed creative thinking coaches working in virtually every major industry and many smaller ones.
Our Creative History
We haven’t been riding the current creativity wave in business. Before & After helped define it and establish many of today’s industry standards.
When we started in 1993, our business cards read “creativity and problem solving” because creativity alone was considered a luxury, not a top priority like it is today.
If creativity and innovation are important in your industry (and of course they are) we can help your people increase their creativeness as individuals, in group think, and with an empowered culture.