FlashFlood Brainstorming
Our unique idea-generating technique is based on two simple principles: more is better, and what we know hurts us. In each FlashFlood Brainstorming session our aim is to generate hundreds, if not thousands, of truly original ideas. Ideas that go well beyond the obvious bounds of traditional thinking.
It’s a fast-paced session where we don’t edit a lot of the ideas. Anything goes. We use proven idea-generating techniques and tools that we’ve developed over the years.
We turn your people into high-powered objective idea machines.
With powerful methods to short circuit the apprehensions, self-consciousness and insecurities that limit many people. We help those too close to the situation to gain perspective and detach from old thinking that so often leads to the same old solutions.
Proven methods, with predictably non-predictable results.
FlashFlood Brainstorming has been used by major markets and ad agencies to name new products, companies, and URLs, plus explore new products, new service ideas and improvements, new sales tools, new promotional ideas, competitive strategies…Where do you need fresh thinking?