Going with your first idea is rarely a good idea.*
One of the biggest mistakes most people make in creative pursuits…

Problem child? It’s the problem parent who can really screw up a brainstorming session.
When you lead a group ideation session sometimes it’s good…

Don't give in to Temptation!
It’s that time of year. New ad creatives are busy trying to…

Want to be more creative? Invent a musical instrument.
Oh, you're an __(occupation goes here)__, not a musical instrument…

Do or die creativity.
Few things spur creativeness like the will to survive.
I watched…

A huge negative becomes a huge positive. How big? As big as the moon.
Corona beer has a skunky odor, according to a beer industry insider,…

Are others embracing your best ideas?
Everyone says they want creative ideas to propel their business.…

Are we really willing to look the other way on blatant lack of creativity?
Let’s talk about the Dodge Ram "farmers" spot that ran on…

Miles ahead creatively
I’ve often looked at Miles Davis as the grand daddy of creative…